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Horn A, Bauer A, Baumeister H, Brucker SY, Deutsch TM, Heuschmann PU, Hügen K, Pryss R, Szczesny A, Wöckel A. Die BETTER-CARE-Studie: Bedarfsadaptierte und individualisierte Versorgung von Patient*innen nach der Therapie von primärem Brustkrebs. Senologie - Zeitschrift für Mammadiagnostik und -therapie [Internet]. 2024;21(03):191-3. Available from:
Horn A, Wendel J, Franke I, Bauer A, Baumeister H, Bendig E, Brucker SY, Deutsch TM, Garatva P, Haas K, Heil L, Hügen K, Manger H, Pryss R, Rücker V, Salmen J, Szczesny A, Vogel C, Wallwiener M, Wöckel A, Heuschmann PU and the BETTER-CARE Study Group. The BrEasT cancer afTER-CARE (BETTER-CARE) programme to improve breast cancer follow-up: design and feasibility study results of a cluster-randomised complex intervention trial. Trials [Internet]. 2024;25(1):767. Available from:
- Vogel, C., Bendig, E., Garatva,P., Stenzel, L., Idrees, A. R., Kraft, R. ., Baumeister, H., Pryss, R. 2023. A Highly Configurable EMA and JITAI Mobile App Framework Utilized in a Large-Scale German Study on Breast Cancer Aftercare, in: 2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). pp. 103–110.
- Horn, A., Haas, K., Rücker, V. et al. (2022, September 26-29). Breast cancer aftercare follow-up and program: Design of the feasibility trail and cluster-randomized intervention trail BETTER-CARE, Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the German Society of Epidemiology (DGEpi), Greifswald, Germany.
- Garatva, P., Bendig, E., Stenzel, L., Pryss, R. & Baumeister, H. (2022, October 29-30, revised). ACTonCancer - Conceptual Framework for a Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) for Adults with Breast Cancer after Primary Medical Treatment [Conference poster]. ZIHUb Mental Health Alliance Retreat 2022, Heidelberg, Germany.